Laura Ponce, Event 3 Blog, DESMA 9
Attending the "COLOR, LIGHT, MOTION" event by the David Bermant Foundation, featuring Marko Peljhan, was a great experience that really brought our class topics to life. Peljhan's talk, "In the Belly of the Beast - Southern California Art, Technology, Science and Society Nexus- A Historical Landscape," talked about how art, technology, and society combine, something we've been exploring well in depth in class. Peljhan's work, like the representation of art and nanotechnology by Colin Milburn, exemplifies how scientific innovation can drive artistic expression and challenge traditional boundaries. Milburn notes that images produced through nanotechnology are both scientific representations and aesthetic objects, necessitating a term like "nanofacture" to describe this unique process (Milburn, n.d.). Just as nanotechnologists and artists collaborate to create beautiful, microscopic designs, Peljhan’s projects like Makrolab combine technology and ...